Comprehensive NDIS Support Services

At Shake Counselling, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive, individualised support services for NDIS participants.

Our experienced team is committed to helping individuals develop crucial life skills, foster meaningful relationships, and achieve their unique goals.

We understand that navigating the NDIS and finding the right support can be overwhelming, which is why we strive to offer a range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of participants, their families, and support networks.

Our Approach: Walking Alongside NDIS Participants

Personalised Support Plans

We believe that every NDIS participant is unique, with their own set of strengths, challenges, and aspirations.

That’s why we take a personalised approach to support, working closely with each individual to develop a customised plan that addresses their specific needs and goals.

Our experienced peer mentors take the time to understand each participant’s situation, preferences, and learning style, ensuring that our support services are tailored to maximise their growth and potential.

Strengths-Based Philosophy

At Shake Counselling, we adopt a strengths-based philosophy, focusing on identifying and nurturing each NDIS participant’s inherent strengths and abilities.

We believe that by empowering individuals to recognise and build upon their existing skills and resources, we can foster a sense of confidence, resilience, and self-determination.

Our peer mentors work collaboratively with participants to set achievable goals, celebrate successes, and develop strategies to overcome challenges.

Trauma-Informed Care

We recognise that many NDIS participants may have experienced trauma, which can significantly impact their well-being and engagement with support services.

Our team is trained in trauma-informed care practices, ensuring that we provide a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental environment for all participants.

We prioritise building trust, promoting choice and control, and adapting our approach to minimise the risk of re-traumatisation.

Incorporating Shake Mantras

Central to our approach are the Shake Mantras: gratitude, mindfulness, and self-care.

We firmly believe that by integrating these principles into all aspects of our NDIS support services, we can help participants develop a positive mindset, emotional resilience, and a strong sense of self.

Our peer mentors model and encourage the practice of gratitude, mindfulness, and self-care, empowering participants to incorporate these valuable tools into their daily lives.

Geelong Teen Therapy - Walking and Talking with Counsellor and Dog, a new way of providing NDIS support services

Our NDIS Support Services

1. Independent Living Skills Training

At Shake Counselling, we are committed to empowering NDIS participants to lead independent, fulfilling lives.

Our comprehensive independent living skills training program is designed to equip individuals with the practical skills and knowledge needed to navigate daily challenges and achieve their goals.

Our experienced peer mentors provide hands-on guidance and support in various areas, including:


  • Budgeting and financial management: We teach participants how to create and maintain a budget, manage bills and expenses, and make informed financial decisions.
  • Grocery shopping and meal planning: Our mentors assist participants in developing healthy meal plans, creating shopping lists, and navigating grocery stores to make nutritious and cost-effective choices.
  • Cooking and household maintenance: We provide practical training in cooking skills, food safety, and household cleaning and organisation techniques, enabling participants to maintain a healthy and comfortable living environment.
  • Navigating public transportation: Our team helps participants understand and use public transportation systems, plan routes, and develop the confidence to travel independently.
  • Obtaining a driver’s license: For participants who wish to obtain a driver’s license, we offer guidance and support throughout the process, from studying for the written test to practicing driving skills.


Through our comprehensive independent living skills training, we empower NDIS participants to gain the confidence and self-sufficiency needed to thrive in their daily lives.


2. Modelling Respectful Relationships and Behaviour

At Shake Counselling, we understand the importance of developing and maintaining healthy, respectful relationships.

Our peer mentors lead by example, demonstrating positive communication, appropriate boundaries, and conflict resolution skills.

We work closely with NDIS participants to help them understand and develop essential social and interpersonal skills, including:


  • Effective communication: We teach participants how to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs clearly and assertively, as well as how to listen actively and respond empathetically to others.
  • Setting and respecting boundaries: Our mentors help participants understand the importance of personal boundaries and teach them strategies for setting and maintaining healthy limits in their relationships.
  • Navigating social interactions: We provide guidance and practice opportunities for participants to develop social skills, such as initiating conversations, maintaining friendships, and engaging in group activities.
  • Resolving conflicts: Our team teaches participants effective conflict resolution techniques, such as active listening, compromise, and problem-solving, to help them navigate disagreements and maintain positive relationships.


By modelling and teaching these essential life skills, we support NDIS participants in fostering healthy, meaningful connections and positive social experiences.


3. Counselling Support

At Shake Counselling, we recognise that emotional well-being is just as important as practical skill development.

Our peer mentors are trained in providing counselling support, creating a safe and non-judgmental space for NDIS participants to discuss their thoughts, feelings, and concerns.

We understand that seeking counselling can be a significant step, and we strive to make the process as comfortable and accessible as possible.

4. Body Based Therapy

At Shake Counselling, we believe that engaging in meaningful activities is a powerful way to build trust, foster communication, and promote personal growth.

That’s why we incorporate activity-based therapy into our NDIS support services. By participating in fun, challenging, and purposeful activities together, NDIS participants and their peer mentors can:

  • Build rapport and trust: Engaging in shared activities helps create a strong, positive bond between participants and mentors, laying the foundation for effective support and skill development.
  • Facilitate open communication: Activity-based therapy provides a relaxed, natural setting for participants to express themselves, share their experiences, and discuss their challenges and goals.
  • Develop new skills: Through carefully chosen activities, participants can practice and develop a wide range of skills, such as teamwork, problem-solving, communication, and emotional regulation.
  • Boost self-esteem and confidence: Participating in activities that align with their interests and abilities allows NDIS participants to experience success, build self-esteem, and gain confidence in their capabilities.

Some examples of activity-based therapy sessions include:

  • Sports and fitness activities
  • Art and creative projects
  • Outdoor adventures and nature-based experiences
  • Community service and volunteering opportunities

By incorporating activity-based therapy into our support services, we create a dynamic, engaging environment that promotes growth, resilience, and empowerment.


5. Communication Skill Development

Effective communication is a critical life skill that enables NDIS participants to advocate for their needs, build relationships, and navigate complex systems.

At Shake Counselling, we are committed to helping participants develop and refine their communication skills through targeted training and support.

Our communication skill development program focuses on:

  • Assertiveness training: We teach participants how to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs clearly and confidently, while respecting the rights and boundaries of others.
  • Nonverbal communication: Our mentors help participants understand and use nonverbal cues, such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, to enhance their communication effectiveness.
  • Active listening: We emphasise the importance of active listening skills, teaching participants how to focus on the speaker, ask clarifying questions, and provide appropriate responses.
  • Advocacy skills: Our team helps participants develop the skills needed to advocate for their rights, access necessary resources, and navigate complex systems, such as healthcare and government agencies.
  • Communication in different contexts: We provide guidance and practice opportunities for participants to develop communication skills in various settings, such as the workplace, educational institutions, and social situations.

By empowering NDIS participants with strong communication skills, we enable them to build positive relationships, access opportunities, and thrive in their personal and professional lives.

Teen and counsellor having a serious conversation while standing outside Caption: Shake Counselling fosters open communication and emotional development for Geelong youth.

Why Choose Shake Counselling?

At Shake Counselling, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality support services to NDIS participants. Our unique approach and commitment to personalised care set us apart:


  • Tailored support plans: We develop individualised support plans that address each participant’s specific needs, goals, and preferences, ensuring that our services are relevant and effective.
  • Experienced, compassionate peer mentors: Our team of peer mentors is carefully selected for their expertise, empathy, and dedication to empowering NDIS participants.
  • Focus on skill development: We prioritise teaching practical, transferable skills that enable participants to lead independent, fulfilling lives.
  • Integration of Shake Mantras: Our support services are infused with the principles of gratitude, mindfulness, and self-care, promoting a holistic approach to well-being.
  • Counselling support: We offer counselling support to address participants’ emotional needs, complementing our practical skill development programs.
  • Activity-based therapy: Our innovative activity-based therapy approach fosters engagement, communication, and personal growth.
  • Ongoing training and support for our team: We invest in the continuous professional development of our peer mentors, ensuring they have the knowledge and skills to provide the best possible support.
  • Collaborative approach: We work closely with participants, their families, and other support providers to ensure a coordinated, comprehensive approach to care.

Get Started with Shake
Counselling Today

If you are an NDIS participant, family member, or support coordinator seeking personalised, empowering support services, we invite you to contact Shake Counselling today.

Our friendly team is ready to answer your questions, provide more information about our services, and help you take the first step towards achieving your goals and living your best life.

For NDIS participants, we offer a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your needs, preferences, and aspirations. We will work with you to develop a tailored support plan that aligns with your NDIS goals and funding.

For family members and support coordinators, we welcome the opportunity to collaborate and share information about our services. We are committed to working in partnership with you to ensure the best possible outcomes for the NDIS participants in your care.

Together, we can create a brighter, more inclusive future for all NDIS participants. Contact Shake Counselling now to learn more and embark on your journey to independence, empowerment, and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an Australian government program that provides funding and support to people with disabilities, their families, and carers.

The NDIS aims to empower individuals with disabilities to live more independently, pursue their goals, and participate fully in their communities.

If you are eligible for the NDIS, you can receive funding for support services, such as those offered by Shake Counselling, to help you achieve your personal objectives and improve your quality of life.


To be eligible for the NDIS, you must:

  • Be under 65 years of age when you first access the scheme
  • Live in Australia and be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or hold a Protected Special Category Visa
  • Meet the disability or early intervention requirements


If you’re unsure about your eligibility, you can contact the NDIS directly or reach out to Shake Counselling for guidance. We can help you understand the eligibility criteria and assist you with the application process.

At Shake Counselling, we offer a comprehensive range of NDIS support services tailored to the unique needs of each participant. Our services include:

  • Independent living skills training
  • Modelling respectful relationships and behaviour
  • Counselling support
  • Activity-based therapy
  • Communication skill development


Our experienced peer mentors work closely with participants to develop personalised support plans that address their specific goals, preferences, and challenges.

Our NDIS support services are designed to empower you to live a more independent, fulfilling life. By providing tailored support, skill development, and counselling, we can help you:

  • Build practical skills for daily living, such as budgeting, cooking, and household management
  • Develop and maintain healthy, respectful relationships
  • Enhance your emotional well-being and resilience
  • Engage in meaningful activities that promote personal growth and self-confidence
  • Improve your communication skills and ability to advocate for your needs


We work collaboratively with you to identify your unique goals and create a support plan that helps you achieve them, step by step.

To access our NDIS support services, you’ll first need to have an approved NDIS plan that includes funding for the specific supports you require.

If you already have an NDIS plan, simply contact Shake Counselling to discuss your needs and goals. We’ll work with you to create a personalised support plan and schedule your services.

If you don’t have an NDIS plan yet, we can guide you through the application process and help you prepare for your planning meeting.

Once your plan is approved, we’ll be ready to start delivering the support services you need.


Further Reading


11 Newcastle St, Newtown VIC 3220

0422 868 258
Mon – Fri: 7:00am – 6:00pm
Sat: 7:00am – 2:00pm

About Us

We empower Geelong’s teens to navigate challenges, build strong relationships, and develop a positive sense of self.