Acceptance and Commitment Therapy At Shake Counselling

Equipping Geelong Teens to Live Meaningful, Fulfilling Lives

At Shake Counselling, we specialise in providing Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) tailored specifically for adolescents in Geelong and the surrounding areas.

Our experienced team of counsellors is dedicated to helping teens develop psychological flexibility, embrace their thoughts and feelings, clarify their values, and take committed action towards building a rich and meaningful life.

What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy?

ACT is a unique, evidence-based approach to therapy that helps individuals develop a new relationship with their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Rather than trying to eliminate or control unwanted private experiences, ACT teaches teens to accept them as a natural part of life, while still taking action guided by their values and goals.

The six core processes of ACT include:

  • Acceptance: Making room for unpleasant feelings, sensations, and experiences
  • Cognitive Defusion: Learning to observe thoughts without getting caught up in them
  • Present Moment Awareness: Fully engaging in the here-and-now experience
  • Self-as-Context: Accessing a transcendent sense of self, distinct from thoughts and feelings
  • Values: Clarifying what truly matters and what one wants to stand for in life
  • Committed Action: Setting goals aligned with values and taking effective action

How Shake Counselling Uses ACT to Help Geelong Teens Thrive

At Shake Counselling, we understand the unique challenges faced by today’s adolescents. Our expert counsellors adapt ACT principles and techniques to resonate with teens, creating an engaging, interactive, and non-judgmental space for growth and self-discovery.

Through individual sessions, group workshops, and fun, experiential activities, we help teens:

  • Develop mindfulness skills to handle difficult thoughts and feelings effectively
  • Clarify their personal values and set meaningful goals for their lives
  • Build self-awareness, self-acceptance, and a strong sense of identity
  • Cultivate psychological flexibility to navigate life’s ups and downs with ease
  • Take committed action towards building fulfilling relationships and achieving their dreams

Our ACT-based approach is designed to empower teens with the tools they need to face challenges head-on, develop resilience, and create a life filled with vitality, meaning, and purpose.

The Benefits of ACT for
Geelong Teenagers

By participating in ACT at Shake Counselling, Geelong teens can experience numerous benefits, such as:

  • Increased self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-compassion
  • Enhanced ability to manage stress, anxiety, and other difficult emotions
  • Improved relationships with family, friends, and peers
  • Greater clarity about personal values, goals, and direction in life
  • Increased motivation and ability to take action towards a fulfilling future
  • Development of lifelong skills for resilience and psychological wellbeing
Shake counselling therapist and teenage client walking together outside on a wooden path, with the counsellor's white labradoodle therapy dog on a leash. Caption: Our Geelong counsellors engage teens through walks and animal-assisted therapy.

Begin Your ACT Journey at Shake Counselling Today

If you’re a teen in Geelong struggling with difficult thoughts, feelings, or life challenges, ACT at Shake Counselling can provide you with the support and tools you need to thrive.

Our compassionate, experienced counsellors are here to walk alongside you, helping you develop the mindfulness, self-acceptance, and value-driven action to build a meaningful life.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how ACT can empower you to embrace life fully, navigate challenges with flexibility, and create the vibrant, fulfilling future you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

While ACT incorporates some CBT techniques, it places a greater emphasis on accepting uncomfortable thoughts and feelings, rather than challenging or changing them. ACT also focuses heavily on identifying values and taking committed action aligned with those values.

Yes, research has shown ACT to be effective in treating a wide range of concerns, including anxiety, depression, stress, OCD, PTSD, substance abuse, eating disorders, and more. However, ACT can be beneficial for anyone seeking to improve their overall wellbeing and live a more meaningful life.

The length of ACT treatment varies depending on each individual’s unique needs and goals. Some teens may experience significant benefits after just a few sessions, while others may find ongoing support helpful as they continue to practice ACT skills and work towards their values.

Absolutely! At Shake Counselling, we recognize the importance of family support in a teen’s growth and wellbeing. We offer opportunities for family sessions, provide resources and guidance for parents, and collaborate closely to ensure a supportive environment both in and outside of therapy.

If you’re unsure whether ACT is the best fit for your needs, we invite you to schedule a consultation with one of our friendly counsellors. We’ll take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and help you determine if ACT at Shake Counselling is the right path for you.

Further Reading


11 Newcastle St, Newtown VIC 3220

0422 868 258
Mon – Fri: 7:00am – 6:00pm
Sat: 7:00am – 2:00pm

About Us

We empower Geelong’s teens to navigate challenges, build strong relationships, and develop a positive sense of self.