How Body-Based Therapy Boosts Emotional Well-being in Geelong

Shake Counselling How Body-Based Therapy Boosts Emotional Well-being in Geelong Table of Contents Introduction In Geelong, a growing number of young people are seeking innovative ways to improve their emotional well-being. Body-based therapy is emerging as a powerful method that combines physical activity with therapeutic practices to support mental health. By engaging in activities like […]
Uplifting Geelong’s Teen Boys: Innovative Movement-Based Therapy

Shake Counselling Uplifting Geelong’s Teen Boys: Innovative Movement-Based Therapy Table of Contents Dear Geelong mum, Is your teenage son between 14 and 17 struggling with: Unexplained mood swings or irritability? Declining academic performance? Social withdrawal or difficulty making friends? Excessive gaming or screen time? Lack of motivation or interest in previous hobbies? If […]